Saturday, January 2, 2016

The TBR Triple Dog Dare

Thanks Kay for posting this. I am going to give it a try.

If you are like me, you have been collecting books you want to read all year and have read a few but acquired more than you can handle. "Ohhhh that looks good" frequently goes through my mind.

Check this dare out and join if you dare.

Here is how it works:

"For the first three months of 2016 read only the books that were already in your TBR stack as of midnight December 31, 2015.
As always, you can include books you’ve ordered but not received yet as well as books you have already placed on reserve at your local library.  You can also make exceptions for certain books that will be published early next year along with book club choices and ARCS as needed. "

I will have to make exception for my monthly Mystery Book Club choice. (Like I am being forced...not).

Here is the link if you want to join.

Game on! (I wonder if I can take a leave from work to read and still get paid.)

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