Monday, March 21, 2016

The Recipient is ready for pre order!


Hey everyone! I know a some of you were interested in reading The Recipient by Dean Mayes when it comes out.

It is now available for pre-order from Book Depository, discount for pre-order, free shipping, and a bonus signed post card from the author! Got mine ordered.


"Casey Schillinge is a vivacious young woman on the verge of making her mark on the world. While backpacking, she is struck down by a tropical disease and suffers cardiac failure. But at the eleventh hour, Casey receives a life-saving heart transplant - and a rare second chance to begin again.

Three years later, Casey has become a withdrawn shell of her former self: she is estranged from her loved ones, afraid of open spaces and rides the line between legitimate and criminal work. The worst of her troubles come in the form of violent night terrors; so frightening that she resorts to extreme measures to keep herself from sleeping. When she can take no more, she embarks on a desperate search for the source of her dreams. ​In so doing, she makes a shocking discovery surrounding the tragic fate of the donor whose heart now beats inside her chest. As she delves deeper into the mystery of her donor, she realizes her dreams are not a figment of her imagination, but a real life nightmare.

This story is pretty close to "this could happen" and some of it has, without giving too much away.
Really an excellent, captivating book. You won't be able to put it down.

Here's the scoop on pre-ordering:

"The Recipient - the powerful new psychological thriller from Australian author and Intensive Care Nurse, Dean Mayes, is available for pre-order now through The Book Depository. Orders placed ahead of the May 1st release date include free shipping. The Recipient is also available for pre-order through Amazon US & Amazon UK.

Dean would like to offer readers who pre-order an exclusive signed post card to include as a memento with their copy. Contact Dean with your proof purchase to take advantage of this offer."   
(Here is Dean's blog:
I think you will really like it.

Addendum: It is also available for preorder for Kindle now, and then will be available May 1, 2016.

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