Monday, August 8, 2016

Onyx Webb Book Six

Finished Onyx Webb Book two days.

Onyx Webb: Book Six: Episodes 16, 17 & 18 by [Fenton, Richard, Waltz, Andrea]

Have you been reading this series? 

If so, this could be the best in the far. Books 1-5 were really good but this one was great. Book six in which we have; a very interesting new character in Newt, old ghosts, new ghosts, and we get to go to Loll! As always, this was a page turner, easily read in one sitting but the characters are more developed now and more intertwined. The story is like a web but this one is being woven from the outside in...I am already worried about Book 10 and how there MAY be no more.

I have written about the first five books in this series of 10 books. They are really quick reads because they are written like a soap opera. There are many characters that are leading separate lives but all tied together in one way or another...with a supernatural twist. We are skillfully taken all over the United States and through many decades with the characters, but it is easy to follow. There is not a lot of description as in a traditional book so each chapter is quick and to the point.

Think Twilight, Harry Potter and even Once Upon a Time.

This could be a Netflix or HBO series and be great. (Quicker for the fans than getting it to Hollywood, I would guess, so I say this for me.)

The authors, Richard Fenton and Andrea Walsh have an interesting background too. They haven't always done fiction.

Here's a couple of links.  I highly recommend the series but you have to start with Book One.
Two links to the series and info about the authors.

I received a free copy in exchange for a review - but I am ENTANGLED.

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