
Featured Book Reviewer

Friday, September 20, 2024

Never Try To Catch a Falling Knife by Skye Alexander

One of my book friends is an acquaintance of Skye Alexander who writes a mystery series about an entertainer in the 1920's turned amateur sleuth named Lizzy Crane. I have had the book on my "TBR" list and read it recently. I enjoyed it! 

About: "In the summer of 1925, ambitious and beautiful New York jazz performer Lizzie Crane and her troupe land a plum job that could give them their big career a week-long engagement celebration for the daughter of a wealthy (and shady) industrialist to a Russian count. But Lizzie barely has time to enjoy her good luck––which includes the amorous attentions of the heir to her employer’s vast fortune––before the group’s saxophonist is stabbed to death. The local police suspect her and her musician friends and place them under house arrest, where they’re at the mercy of the very people who have the most to lose if the murder is solved. As Lizzie delves into her slain colleague’s mysterious past, she discovers secrets worth killing to protect and risks her own life in the process."

The setting of this first book, made me think of Downtown Abby. Although this is set in Ipswich Massachusetts, not England, it is set at the estate of a wealthy family. Everything is very proper and planned. There's fancy dress for the entire week of planned entertainment and fancy food. I liked the time period. There are fun colloquialisms in the conversation of the characters. Lizzie is very much a modern thinking woman for the times, not agreeing with the idea of finding a "suitable" husband for a daughter as in this high society family. She senses there is something off about this engagement and is it tied to the murder of the troupe's saxaphone player? Although the local authorities worn Lizzie off, she of course continues to pry. 

I thought the story moves along well. As I said, I liked the time period. I would call it a historical cozy mystery. There are funny likeable characters. The end sets you right up for book two.

There are three more books in the series: What the Walls Know (sounds intriguing), The Goddess of Shipwrecked Sailors and  Running in the Shadows. Book two takes place at a castle in Gloucester Ma. The third and fourth books take place in Salem. All look like they may have a vibe I may like.

Skye Alexander has written many other books also. 
Find Skye and her books at:

Check out Lizzie Crane!

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